Abi Mia: "Enough is Enough"

Abi Mia: "Enough is Enough"

Abi Mia is an independent singer/songwriter from London, UK. Abi Mia writes her original songs from the heart - always inspired by her experiences and things happening in the world. She also finds it essential to get that emotion across in her performance so she can connect with the audience, something that is reflected in her lyrics. Taking influence from powerful & soulful female artists such as Alicia Keys, Demi Lovato & Kelly Clarkson - Abi Mia has developed her unique songwriting and performance style. With Abi Mia, you’ll find that she has a confident and powerful voice with elements of soul with her performing with a live piano/keyboard at some of her shows.

Her most recent release ‘Enough is Enough’ is an anthem with a powerful global message. A wake-up call to get us out of our way to make a better world, something very relevant for the current worldwide situation. Abi's next single 'Here to Stay' is also hotly anticipated, with it's release date now confirmed as 12th February.

“I am looking forward to releasing my next single 'Here To Stay' on 12th Feb 2021, a more personal, intimate and emotional track than my previous releases. It is about how we all have things that have happened to us in the past that we want to forget, but just when we think we have forgotten, it comes back into our minds when we least expect it. It is sometimes hard to truly move on from negative things from our past completely, they may always be at the back of our mind but we will try our best! '” said Abi.

Have a listen and connect with Abi Mia on social media:




Siena Bella: "Mixed Signals"

Siena Bella: "Mixed Signals"

Nakvma: "Voice Note"

Nakvma: "Voice Note"