Iconic Bond: "Desperados" ft. Big O

Iconic Bond: "Desperados" ft. Big O

North Carolina rapper, Iconic Bond, just released his newest single “Desperados”. The song has a brooding message that outlines the feelings of a rebel, an outsider looking in from a different perspective. The song itself is an addictive listen—the verses are tastefully-paced and intuitive with a classic old-school feel on the chorus (which features vocals by Big O). When asked about the song, Iconic said, “This song is the beginning of a very intentional path that I will be taking going forward with my music. I will be fully myself without distractions from external sources. This is me telling myself, it's time to really tell the world who you are without fear of rejection.” You can hear that urgently independent spirit through the song, all wrapped beautifully in a catchy instrumental with a touch of middle eastern feel.

Coming from an immigrant Egyptian family, Iconic Bond has always been an outsider looking in. Through that lens, he has gained the ability to connect with people of all walks of life. Rather than use his platform as a way to “dumb-down” his listeners, Iconic strives to always have a message in his words. Iconic would “rather be the medicine, than to be sickest…rather be a man that’s a little different.” The Bond between new and old, good and evil, fun and conscious, Iconic is a hip hop force to be reckoned with! From jazzy vibes to hard hitting rhymes, Iconic definitely brings it every time

Have a listen and connect with Iconic Bond:



Intervista: Gamete

Intervista: Gamete