Interview: Brittany J Smith

Interview: Brittany J Smith

Hi Brittany! Thanks for being here!

How do you normally start your day?

I wake up, feed my sweet cats, make some coffee (half-caff with a tiny bit of sugar-free creamer & a scoop of collagen peptide powder), then I take 30 minutes to get my mind ready for the day by just enjoying my coffee, opening the blinds to let light in & most importantly- staying off of social media! haha

If you could swap lives with one person for a day who would it be?

Anyone who acts as a princess face character at Disney World! That's always been a job that seems so fun & rewarding to me. I don't think I'd want to do it forever, but to make people smile & forget their worries for even a moment in the most magical place on earth? That would be an awesome experience!

What is the best compliment you've ever received?

Someone recently told me that I elevate projects & situations that I'm a part of & take them to the next level. I'm a HUGE believer in doing things in excellence, so to hear someone say that meant the WORLD to me.

What is the most adventurous thing you've done in your life?

Snorkeling in the Caribbean! I have an irrational fear of being submerged in dark bodies of water... because for some reason I have an even more irrational fear that I'll get eaten by the Krakken or something. So when my family went on a cruise to the Bahamas years ago, I decided to face this fear by joining them in a snorkeling adventure in the ocean. Everything was fine until a HUGE school of fish surrounded us & well... to put it lightly, I freaked the heck out. Hahaha, the experience may not have ended adventurously, but hey... I tried!

What is one trend you would like to see disappear forever?

The trend of creators not supporting one another for whatever reason! I believe that there is enough goodness in this world to go around & it bums me out to see so many fellow YouTubers, musicians, etc. not to support one another because they're so blinded by feeling like they're in competition. The way I see it, why can't we all help each other reach our goals & succeed? Being kind & encouraging never goes out of style.

What is your favorite account to follow on social media?

Recently I've been obsessed with @kaliannakali! She's a fantastic creator with such a fun personality whose feed is bursting with color & super creative tips on interesting poses for pictures! I'm actually going to be interviewing her on Bsquared BOOST on Monday the Feb 22nd! :)

What is your writing process like?

For me, writing usually happens after I've been percolating on a situation or emotion for a while... then suddenly, lyrics & melody just sort of pop into my head simultaneously! Once that happens, I write it all down in the notes on my phone & make a voice memo so I won't forget it.

When have you felt genuinely starstruck?

I was once on the same plane as Kevin Costner on a flight out of LA like the week after he won an Emmy for Hatfields & Mccoys. So when we landed I couldn't resist speaking to him. I walked over to him & his posse very calmly (on the outside bc my heart was POUNDING) & just said, "Hello sir. I just want to say congratulations on your recent Emmy win & that I've been an admirer of your work my entire life. I don't want a picture or anything, but could I shake your hand?" hahaha He was SO kind to me, smiled, & LET ME SHAKE HIS HAND. I SHOOK ROBIN HOOD'S HAND. *deep breath* I'm okay. It's fine.

Please tell our readers which platforms you are most active on!

You can find me on YouTube & Instagram! I've got a LOT of cool things coming soon, so definitely connect with me there! :)

Thanks for your time!

Have a listen and follow Brittany on social media:

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