Interview: GodFall

Interview: GodFall

Hailing from the small town of South Lake Tahoe, Danny Garcia aka GodFall has grown up having spent much of his time developing and honing his skills in music production. After spending countless hours in his studio, GodFall now proudly boasts a personal soundtrack that lies within the future house and bass house categories, GodFall creates exhilarating house music that would not sound out of place on any dancefloor. A producer with big ambitions, GodFall does not lack the drive or motivation to make it as a global artist in the not so distant future.

We had the pleasure of checking in with GodFall on the occasion of the release of his eponymous EP and he was kind enough to respond to a few interview questions.

Hi Danny! Thanks for taking the time to chat with us!

What have you been busy working on lately?

I have been mostly been planning things out, at some point I would like to start a website.

Is there anything that you would like to master?

I would like to be a master at DJing, I still have a hard time trying to match the beats with my ear and master playing the piano. 

What is your signature style?

I would say bass-heavy tracks. At some point, I'll like to mash up some genres.

If you could do a duet with any artist, living or not, who would it be and why? 

Coko from SWV. She's got a really breathtaking voice. I really like the track, "I'm so into you".

If your life was a song, what would the title be? 

Alone in the dark

Favorite dessert? 

Tres leches cake. I have a huge craving for them.

Do you have any vices? 

Definitely being gluttony. Mostly when it comes to sweets. It's hard for me when I pass the bakery 

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Have a listen and connect with GodFall:

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