Interview: Hannah Rutti

Interview: Hannah Rutti

Hi Hannah! Thanks for being here!

Thank you so much for having me!

What has been the biggest "pinch me" moment of your career thus far?

Honestly, I am so young and just starting out, but when I first received my diploma from Berklee College of Music, I was so incredibly proud of myself. Going to that school was my dream and I felt so accomplished, but I knew that it was only the beginning of a long journey.

What could you give a 40-minute presentation on without any preparation beforehand? 

The power that Women have when we put our minds to something. For so long women have been pushed back, looked down on, and seen as only mothers that I would be able to present on the amazing women leaders that also happen to be musicians: Ella Fitzgerald, Ma Rainey, and people like them who paved the way.

Top 3 things on your bucket list...

First, To be 100% funded by my music, Second, Open up a company for sync, writing, and composition, and Third to travel all over with my family because success only means so much if you can't share it with my family.

Is there a song you would like to cover? If so, what song? 

I love Billie Eilish's new song for James Bond, "No Time To Die." I am wanting to cover that soon.

Do you have any hidden talents? 

I am an equestrian and have been riding horses since I was a kid.

What is inspiring you right now? 

I am so inspired by Fletcher, Elley Duhé, as well as the social movements surrounding women and equality now that have been feeding into my music.

Please tell our readers how to stay up to date with you and your latest moves!

My instagram and tik tok are @hannahrutti. My spotify is under Hannah Rutti as well! Thanks so much again for having me!

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