J. Nicolàs: "Endless Autumn"

J. Nicolàs: "Endless Autumn"

In the poignant “Endless Autumn,” J. Nicolás’ past relationships surface all around him as he journeys to New York City in the middle of a winter storm. The remembered imagery of bygone friends and lovers merge with the scenery, folding into one another as he travels. “And all along an east born wind was stretching west across the Catskills as / I returned to you and that city in the sky / And the endless autumn in your eyes.”

J. Nicolás, who took years to complete the song, renders the characters from his past with an immense tenderness that is indicative of the way he forms connections. “I don't have many people in my life,” says J. Nicolás, who describes himself as extremely introverted. “So when I do have people that are close to me, they're really close to me.”

Listen to the song on Spotify and check out the live performance video below:

Photo credit: Grace Pulver

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