Pastiche: "Chasing Down the Fame"

Pastiche: "Chasing Down the Fame"

Dublin-based singer/songwriter Pastiche has just releasee her debut single, “Chasing Down the Fame”. The explosive electro-pop song features driving synths, energetic drums, and powerful vocals from Pastiche. The engaging production and layered vocals create a dynamic track that establishes Pastiche as a force to be reckoned with in the Dublin pop scene. 

About the song, Pastiche says, “The song addresses the idea of achieving fame as a subjective journey; it almost never looks the same. I also think there’s a difference between fame and significance. Fame is usually an accident, but you can claim your own significance. I think this track is me doing that: showcasing my sound and trying to prove myself.”

She goes on to say, “I wanted to address not only where I hope to go but also where I came from. The line “I'll show them what they made of me” is about all the rejections and “no’s” that have led me to where I am, developing thick skin, and needing to rely on my own self-belief.” 

On the Irish pop scene, Pastiche says, “Pop in Ireland always seems to be imported. There’s very few successful female Irish pop artists. The scene isn't here - so we have to create it. Radio stations are playing Dua Lipa every five minutes- so why can't we have Irish pop instead? I want to help break that barrier.” 

Though Pastiche performs with a live band, this track was completed remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic with producer Fergal Mullen (Jupiter Parks). The vocals were tracked at Beardfire Music. 

Pastiche’s sound combines dark pop, electronic pop, a rebellious club kid sound, and theatrical influences. She started stage school and musical theatre at a young age, and performed all over Ireland. Her love for music developed in school, and she studied vocals at BIMM Dublin, where she spent four years learning about the industry and honing her craft. She has already received attention for her writing ability, receiving the runner up prize in the Hotpress Now We’re Talking songwriting competition 2019. She is now in the process of recording and releasing her original music. 

Have a listen and connect with Pastiche on social media:

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