Tanner Peterson: "Safe and Sound"

Tanner Peterson: "Safe and Sound"

Tanner Peterson is a 21 year old singer-songwriter based out of Mankato, Minnesota who writes music straight from the soul. His music conveys a blend of folk/soul and acoustic rock music stemming from influences such as Ed Sheeran, John Butler Trio, John Mayer, Trevor Hall, and Nahko and Medicine for the People. His songs are based on life experience, spirituality, and self-empowerment. Tanner just recently broke the LLC world record for "the longest street performance", with a 26 hour long street performance. He states that street-performing (a.k.a. busking) is his favorite pass-time and is the best part about being a musician. Tanner also enjoys activities such as yoga, meditation, organic farming, and spending time in nature.

His third single, "Safe and Sound", has recently been released with a reggae and island sound. The track features acoustic guitar, electronic keyboard, bass, djembe, and drums. The song was inspired by the Jawaiian sounds of Hawai'i that Peterson was exposed to after spending three months on the Big Island. "I wrote this song while reflecting on the inner motivation that I feel when I am zoning in on my goals, I feel this inner surge of passion and joy towards life. I just get lost in the process of making my dreams a reality. I wanted this song to represent that feeling of growth, excitement, fun, risk-taking, and adventure. I originally didn't think of myself as much of a reggae artist, but from time to time it'll subtly show up in my songwriting since I have spent so much time listening to reggae music."

Have a listen and follow Tanner Peterson on social media:




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