The Behaviour: A Sin Dance

The Behaviour: A Sin Dance

Meet Der Baron Kilpatrick, a versatile musician whose latest creation, A Sin Dance, is a haunting journey through the realms of somber and introspective melodies— an intimate musical exploration.

Kilpatrick, an accomplished drummer with over two decades of experience in various musical ensembles, steps into the limelight with A Sin Dance, his first solo project under the artistic profile "The Behaviour". The album showcases his evolution into a more enigmatic, introspective sound, rich in symbolism and sentiment.

The album beckons you with its stimulating lyrics and captivating composition—an atmosphere of mystique and allure. A Sin Dance promises a deep and personal journey, transcending the ordinary and marking The Behaviour as a name to remember in the post-alternative rock scene.

Have a listen and connect to The Behaviour:

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