Valentino Vivace: Meteoriti

Valentino Vivace: Meteoriti

The Ticino Italo-Disco sensation Valentino Vivace presents with his debut album 'Meteoriti' a refreshing listening experience and takes you with it mentally to the wide beaches of the Mediterranean!

Meteorites: Fragments of celestial bodies that travel through space and, when attracted by the gravity of a planet, penetrate its atmosphere and crash onto the surface. This is exactly what happened to the songs of Valentino Vivace. After almost two years in a vacuum, they finally landed on Earth as a luminous tail and now form his first album entitled "Meteoriti".

Valentino Vivace grew up in Italian-speaking Switzerland and studied in French- and German-speaking Switzerland. The resulting impressions and encounters led him to be inspired by a wide variety of genres and currents. This diversity and willingness to experiment can now be discovered on his debut album. The songs on "Meteoriti" are sometimes energetic and danceable, sometimes dreamy and nostalgic. Valentino himself therefore likes to compare the album with his favorite drink, the Campari Spritz; aromatic and intoxicating, it charges with its refreshing energy and envelops with gentle feelings of happiness.

Valentino Vivace tells stories that happened to him himself, but with which other people can identify just as well. He wants to give his listeners a feeling of security, but also the possibility to interpret them in their own way. Love - in all its different facets - always forms the central theme. Valentino explains, "This is the first time I've written about a relationship. In doing so, I wanted to shed light on both the carefree and happy times, as well as the more difficult ones - as heard in 'Come Mai,' for example."

Another important theme on "Meteoriti," he says, is his tendency to put off thoughts, obligations and problems, or to put them aside for a moment. Despite partly profound lyrical content, however, the album ultimately lives from a life-affirming lightness. This is probably related to the fact that Valentino is in his basic features an optimistic and lively person.

Musically, the album can best be assigned to the genre of Italo-disco and Italian pop music in general. In addition, the Swiss musician makes use of synthesizer-heavy musical styles such as French Touch or classic indie pop. This is also reflected in the choice of production tools, mainly relying on analog synthesizers, drum machines and effects, which were then mixed with modern electronic sounds.

The debut "Meteoriti", written and produced by Valentino Vivace himself, impressively proves his ability to embed soulful content into discoid sounds at the same time gently and yet uncompromisingly. And so he takes his listener inside into other spheres with a stimulating sound mixture and Italian lyrics.

Have a listen and connect with Valentino Vivace:

Photo Credit: Zoé Bijotat

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