Winchester 7 & the Runners: Catacomb Songs

Winchester 7 & the Runners: Catacomb Songs

Winchester 7 & the Runners will show you the world with a brand-new view with their ukulele-led alt-rock album, Catacomb Songs

To break up the monotony of festive releases, Winchester 7 & the Runners released their latest society-dissecting indie alt-rock album, Catacomb Songs, on all major platforms on December 17th, 2021.

Starting with the quaintly nostalgic indie-rock single, Dead Celebrities and New Beginnings, which dares to be bold through the lyrics, “If dead celebrities can have new beginnings, why can’t you and I”, the international artists walk a line between satire and nihilism. It is nothing short of a pleasure to follow them down the psychy rabbit hole.

The album takes you as far back as the 60s on a spacey synth-laden route that you’ve never taken before. The blissfully kaleidoscopic melodies and emotionally rounded vocals pull together to point to the evidence that Winchester 7 & the Runners is a highly investable hit machine that is well worth following into 2022 and beyond.

Winchester 7 & the Runners said: “We released our previous EP, Argos Holiday, last year on December 17th to limited fanfare due to the pandemic. In the following months, we made the best use of our time, took to our home studios and worked via Zoom to produce a follow-up. Catacomb Songs is certainly pandemic influenced in places, especially Riding High Again, which was written in memoriam of a good friend that succumbed to alcoholism during it. However, there is also a message of hope and inspired joy that is directly related to the normalcy we found playing together, albeit apart, amidst the lockdowns and travel bans.”

Have a listen and connect with Winchester 7 & the Runners:

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