Ze in the Clouds: Queen Size

Ze in the Clouds: Queen Size

Ze in the Clouds is a cutting edge multi-instrumentalist and producer. He created his own compositional style as the result of his jazz origins and his continuous studying and evolution. He shares his thousand faces without any stylistic boundaries with people and musicians who have the same vision. In 2021, Ze in the Clouds released hisdebut album “Magical”, a piece of work that gave the young artist the opportunity to express his contemporary jazz and hip-hop attitude. “Magical” was widely appreciated both by the fans and by insiders all over the world and confirmed Ze as one of the brightest examples of the new Italian jazz wave.

Born in the Po Valley of Northern-Italy at the end of the last millennium, from a very young age Ze attracted the attention of promoters and artistic directors of the new avant-garde scene linked to jazz and electronic music. JazzMi and Jazz:Re:Found, the two most influential Italian festivals to focus on this kind of artistic proposal, immediately understood the potential of his amazing talent, showcasing him in their lineup.

Now Ze has released the new single “Queen Size” which he explains “If life is a dream: once upon a time there was a barking turtle. Apart from metaphor, the passage deals with the theme of the “projection” on others of our desires and needs, specifically wanting a dog but having a turtle; and need, however, for the turtle to bark. The impossibility of stable relationships. Love and Death.”

Have a listen and connect with Ze in the Clouds:



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