Interview: Anika Nielsen

Interview: Anika Nielsen

Hi Anika! Thanks for being here!

Thank you so much for having me!

What has been the biggest "pinch me" moment of your career thus far?

My biggest “pinch me” moment so far was definitely the first time I went into the studio to record. It just felt so surreal that I was able to have the opportunity to turn something that I had created into an actual product. It was really cool to go through the process and work to perfect my song. The whole experience was amazing and actually nothing like I thought it would be going into it. 

What could you give a 40-minute presentation on without any preparation beforehand? 

I could definitely do a 40-minute presentation on makeup. In high school, I got super into it and I love the way that you can elevate a look by adding something new and interesting to your makeup routine, whether that be eyeshadow, eyeliner, or a colorful lip. I really like to get into the artistic side of it, and it reminds me of my music in that way because I can be such a perfectionist when it comes to the details. 

Top 3 things on your bucket list…

Currently on my bucket list, Number three is traveling. While I’m young I want the chance to experience different parts of the world and get to know new cultures and lifestyles. Number two is performing my first bigger show. I will be so thrilled to actually get the chance to share my songs in a live setting with a real audience. It's definitely something that is scary, but extremely exciting. Number one right now is releasing my first EP! I am working very hard on finishing the songs that will make up this EP, and I hope that my music will touch something deep inside those who listen to it.

Is there a song you would like to cover? If so, what song? 

One song that I love to cover is “My Love” by Paul McCartney. It is such a beautifully written song; it is so passionate and strong, and it makes me very happy and gets me “in my feelings” whenever I listen to it. Paul McCartney is one of the greatest musicians, in my opinion, and this is one of my personal favorites of his work. 

Do you have any hidden talents? 

I grew up playing soccer my whole life so that is 100% my hidden talent. I have so much love and respect for that sport, and I am actually still currently coaching! It’s awesome to have the chance to give back to the younger players!

What is inspiring you right now? 

Honestly, just the real experiences that I am having as I go throughout life in general. Life has many ups and downs, and I really try to let that raw emotion and my genuine feelings come through when I write my songs. All of the songs that I have created are so special to me because they are reflections of personal experiences. Writing is such an outlet for me, and with each song you can see my progressions through life in my lyrics. 

Name a genre of music that you've never done but would love to dive into? Who would be a dream to collaborate with it on?

A genre that I have never really dived into is rock or pop rock. An artist that would be a dream to collaborate with would 1000000% be Elton John. The way he understands music and how he has been able to create so many incredible hits truly amazes me. I hold his work up so high and he is truly an inspiration for me musically. 

Please tell our readers how to stay up to date with you and your latest moves!

Of course! Thank you so much for having me! You can follow me on instagram @anika__nielsen and on tik tok @anikanielsen11

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