Interview: Kilo Tango

Interview: Kilo Tango

We had the pleasure of checking in with Kilo Tango on the occasion of the recent release of her new single “Crazier Than You” and she was kind enough to respond to a few interview questions.

Kilo Tango is a dope name! How did you come up with it? 

The name came from my dad, who is a pilot. Growing up my family called me Kt (short for Katie) and my dad named one of his airplanes Kilo Tango after me. I was thinking up names and felt like it was the one for my music. My dad was thrilled with the choice.

What is your motto in music? 

Music is the way I express myself and I love to take stories and events from my life and turn them into songs. Basically the whole Life imitates art / art imitates life saying is what I follow.

What music are you working on right now that you can share with us?

I just finished writing and recording an album titled ‘Power Lines’. It will be released later this month and I'm really excited about it. I definitely experimented with some different things sonically on this record and feel like every song is very unique and special in its own way. It was recorded during quarantine and deals with a lot of things I experienced during this time regarding ex boyfriends trying to come back in my life, freaking out about my future, having bad days where I'm really down on myself, and ultimately making peace with what is out of my control and enjoying life.

What are you most excited about when it comes to your music in 2021? 

I am excited to just keep experimenting and pushing myself to make better music. 

What is a goal you want to achieve this year in your career? 

I would love to record another album, in a real studio! Hopefully live music will be possible again because I miss playing and attending shows so much.

Have a listen and connect with Kilo Tango on social media:

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